DOD's Characteristics of a Successful EVMS

The Department of Defense provides guidelines for evaluating the effectiveness of an earned value management system.

According to the October 2006 Earned Value Management implementation Guide of the Department of Defense, a functional EVMS provides contractor performance data that:

  • Relates time-phased budgets to specific contract tasks and/or statements of work: Contract performance is measured against your time-phased budget.
  • Objectively measures work progress: You have an unbiased snapshot of current project status.
  • Properly relates cost, schedule, and technical accomplishment: This allows for more effective management decision-making based on accurate project performance data.
  • Is valid, timely, and able to be audited: The project team can trust its earned value data.
  • Allows for statistical estimation of future costs: Cost estimates are provided for both at-complete and to-complete.
  • Allows for informed decision-making and corrective action: Problems are highlighted early, enabling prompt management response.
  • Supplies managers at all levels with status information at the appropriate level: Earned value status reporting can be tailored to both C-level executives and to any member of the project team.
  • Is derived from the same EVMS used by the contractor to manage the contract